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Privacy Policy for Maritime pension fund

Privacy Protection and Security

  • All communication between you and MPK is encrypted with SSL, and hence secure
  • Through your federal number, MPK will fetch relevant registry information about you from ‘NAV’ and ‘Folkeregisteret’ ‘’. This may include name, income, birth, social status and other info relevant for the calculation of your pension. Note that we will never fetch such data without your permission first, and only after you have logged in using MinID or BankID.
  • All connections between your federal number and other personal information is done internally by MPK’ data systems. The app is not exposed to these systems.
  • You can view most of the data we have stored in relation to you through the MPK members portal. This portal is also available on the app through ‘Your PTS’

Privacy Protection and Datamining

When you enter the MPK member portal , we utilize ‘IDPorten’ for secure login. When you log into the members portal we identify you as a user.

When you use the app ‘Your PTSA’ or enter the MPK portal through the app, you will leave an electronic signature. This signature is left to allow the app or your browser to automatically send information to MPK for each action that requires it. For example, information on which browser or platform you use and your internet address (IP). When you visit the app, and navigate around it, we will store the following information:

  • Which parts of the app you are watching and using
  • How long you have used the app, and similar time data
  • Where in the app you log out, or where you crash
  • Date and time for use of the app
  • Which platform you are using, which languages, and related information data
  • If you logged in using MinID or BankIDA
  • Your IP address

This data is not gathered to identify individual persons. MPK will use the data to generate overall statistics about how the app and services are used. These statistics are a tool to ensure improvement of our services according to how they are used by members.


The interactive services of the MPK service applications and app are dependent on using a smartphone or browser which can use cookies. Cookies are small information files which are left in your phone, tablet or browser, and are needed for our services to work optimally. These cookies are not security risks for you, and enables us to deliver a superior experience. The ‘enabling of cookies’ function can be turned on and off accordingly in the device you use, normally in places like ‘general settings’, ‘security’ etc, depending on your device.

Responsible Controller

MPK is the responsible controller for all privacy related information in relation to the MPK portal and app. If you have questions in relation to the service, all these can be directed to MPK. If you have general questions in relation to privacy and security in MinID, we urge you to contact the user support for MinID.

Right to Know, Editing and Deletion of Personal Data

According to the Personal data act you have the right to know how your personal data is treated. You also have the right to know how such data is stored, in addition to receiving information on how you can edit or delete incorrect information.

In the MPK members portal, you have access to edit your own contact data. You can also at any time delete yourself as a user of MinID. Your user profile will then be deleted from the service.

You will find useful information in relation to your rights on the Norwegian ‘Datatilsynet’ website. At lovdata.no you will find all relevant laws and regulations in relation to the personal data act, and storing of personal information.

Datatilsynet | Lovdata.no

The cookies we use, collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site.


Privacy Representative

MPK’s privacy representative is Camilla Heim Klepaker. If you have questions about how we process your personal data, you can contact the privacy representative at: ckl@mpk.no or by phone: 917 57 195


If you have general questions about privacy and security in IDporten, you can contact the user support for IDporten